Residential tutors for home educatiion


Providing high value tuition to home educated students.


With almost 30 years of experience, we know that some students respond much better to being home educated than they do in a classroom. We also have clients who travel around the globe, and as such it suits much better for the child to be home schooled.

All of our tuition is provided on a one-to-one basis, and home education packages are available, providing you with as many or as few hours of tuition as you would like.

We also provide non-residential tutors to support your child’s education as well, where we match your family with one of our highly trained, well-experienced tutors to provide full-time, online education.



Where in the world do your residential tutors cover?

Our highly trained residential tutors cover the whole world, and are happy to travel.

Are residential tutors long term or short term?

We provide residential tuition to students either for a full academic term at your home, or alternatively on a weekly basis, for instance if the family is going on holiday or going on a trip and they wish to take a tutor with them. Our tutors are equipped to work with students and get the best results they can over any period of time.

Do residential tutors need to live in our home?

Whilst residential tutors don’t need to live in your home, you would be required to provide suitable accommodation arrangements for our tutors. All of our tutors are provided with DBS checks (a U.K. standard check of criminal records).

Does my child need to be homeschooled to have a residential tutor?

Whether your child requires full-time tutoring as they’re homeschooled, or whether they just require a live-in tutor to assist with their studies, our tutors have the ability to provide your child with the best education to help them achieve their potential.

Are we able to meet our residential tutor before signing our contract?

We will arrange a video call to introduce you as a family to your residential tutor, who we will hand-select to best fit with you and your child's needs.

Schedule a call.